Calling LW community members: year 12 event survey

This year was a little different, so this week we launched a community survey to gather important feedback that will support programming currently in development at Long Winter.

Long Winter is mandated to serve underrepresented artists and community members and promote protective/safer events. Developing event programming guided by direct input from the community helps fulfill our mandate and address important gaps.

We’re already working hard on plans for next year, and we’d love to hear what you think, whether you were able to attend every event, just one, or even if you had to miss entirely. What worked for you and what needs improvement?

Please click through to the form below and submit your suggestions and feedback.

We also encourage you to share this survey amongst your networks and on social media.

Thank you for helping us shape our programming for underserved artists and community members!

Later this summer, we will also be welcoming programming submissions from the community with the return of our online artist/performer submission form. Stay tuned on social media, or subscribe to our newsletter to receive all Long Winter updates directly in your inbox!